

The Client class is the Usine orchestrator. You generally should not interact directly with it.

Constructor arguments

  • hostname: a str representing the host to connect to. It can be a domain, an IP address, an SSH host, a user@host string…
  • configpath: a filepath (or list of filepaths) to yaml config file(s) to be loaded.


The Config class is a key/value proxy. You'll generally use it through the config singleton.

You can access config properties with the dot syntax:

from usine import config



A command status. You can print it to get the command output or test it in a boolean context to check its exit code.

from usine import run

status = run('createuser bob')
if not status:

Connection helpers


Create the client singleton, which will initiate the SSH connection.

It takes the same arguments as the Client, plus an optional client kwarg that you can use to define the Client class to be instantiated.


Close the SSH connection.


connect is a contextmanager that will call enter and exit for you.

from usine import connect

with connect(hostname='me@remote'):

Command helpers


This is the main helper, which basically runs any command on the remote server.

  • cmd: the actual command to be run

Return a Status instance.


Check if a path (file or directory) exists on the remote server.

  • path: the path to check

mkdir(path, parents=True, mode=None)

Run mkdir command on the remote server to create a directory. See man mkdir for more info about the command.

  • path: the path of the directory
  • parents (default: True): also create parents directory if needed and do not raise if the directory already exists.
  • mode: optional file mode

chown(mode, path, recursive=True, preserve_root=True)

Run chown command in the remote server to change file or directory ownership. See man chown for more info.

  • mode: user:group to change the ownership to
  • path: the path of the file or directory
  • recursive (default: True): operate on files and directories recursively

ls(path, all=True, human_readable=True, size=True, list=True)

Run ls command on the remote server.

  • path: the path of the file or directory to consider
  • all (default: True): do not ignore entries starting with .
  • human_readable (default: True): print sizes in a humand readable format
  • size (default: True): also print size
  • list (default: True): use a long listing format

mv(src, dest)

Run the mv command on the remote server.

  • srv: the path for the source
  • dest: the path of the destination

cp(src, dest, interactive=False, recursive=True, link=False, update=False)

Run the cp command on the remote server.

  • srv: the path for the source
  • dest: the path of the destination
  • interactive (default: False): prompt before overwrite
  • recursive (default: True): copy directories recursively
  • link (default: False): hard link files instead of copying
  • update (default: False): copy only when the SOURCE file is newer than the destination file or when the destination file is missing

File helpers

put(local, remote, force=False)

Send a local file or directory to the remote server.

  • local: a reference to a file (can be a pathlib.Path instance, a str or a io.BytesIO instance) or to a directory (pathlib.Path or str)
  • remote: the remote path
  • force (default: False): override remote file even if it's newer

get(remote, local)

Fetch a remote file.

  • local: a reference to a file (can be a pathlib.Path instance, a str or a io.BytesIO instance)
  • remote: the remote path

Context managers

sudo(set_home=True, preserve_env=True, user=None, login=None)

Run the command in a sudo context. See man sudo for more info about using sudo.

  • set_home (default: True): request that the security policy set the HOME environment variable to the home directory specified by the target user's password database entry
  • preserve_env (default: True): preserve environment variable
  • user (default: None): run the command as this user
  • login (default: None): run the shell specified by the target user's password database entry as a login shell


Prefix all path to be run in command with this path.

  • path (default: ~): the path to use as prefix


Define environment variables.

  • kwargs: key/value pair to set environment variables


Run the command inside a screen.

  • name (default: usine) the name of the screen to be created