Usine is a minimalist and pythonic remote automation tool.

It will do as little as possible not to be in the way.

What it does

  • manage SSH connection (with paramiko)
  • manage configuration files
  • allow you to run commands in a remote server
  • wrap some common commands for a more pythonic API (and thus ease the use of *args and **kwargs patterns)
  • expose some pythonic helpers to manage env vars, sudo and such


pip install usine


Here is what a very basic script would look like:

from usine import run, connect

with connect(hostname='me@remote'):
    run('ls /tmp/foobar')

When to use it?

When you have a few servers to maintain and you want to be sure every command needed is documented and reproducible by you and your comates.

When not to use it?

When you want a generic deployment script that would run from any device to any OS with a lot of configuration options.

Why another deployment tool?

We used to use Fabric a lot. But it took ages to be python 3 ready, and this is where we started working on Usine. Eventually Fabric 2 was released, but the API changed and was lacking its original simplicity (ctx everywhere, no more context managers, code more complex with Invoke integration…), so we decided to continue working with Usine, and eventually release it and document it.
